Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Human shields

Here's Papa using two little girls as shin guards to protect himself from the ducks.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Picnic in the back yard

We've had a run of hot weather. After making muffins, Georgia had a picnic in the back yard with Dolly. And she swept up the porch afterwards too.

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New Years at the cottage

We spent New Years at Debbie and Robert's cottage near Te Arai Point, not far from Wellsford.

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Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had Christmas in Melbourne with Liz, Tony, Callum, Fran and Stewart.

Most of the pictures are self-explanatory, but look out for Olly the Lorikeet, Georgia doing her impersonation of Jesus at Christmas, and Andy shortly after Christmas dinner.

Decorating the tree

Here's Mlle helping decorate the Christmas tree. She really enjoyed helping - for about five minutes, and then got bored and wanted to go to the next game.

Put it here, mummy!

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