Saturday, May 05, 2007


Last weekend we had a four day trip to the Ile de Barthelasse, which is the island in the middle of the river by Avignon. The famous Pont de Avignon, the uncompleted bridge, stretches half way across to the Ile. We stayed at a fabulous B&B in the countryside, with a swimming pool, and had the first swim of the season.

Here is Georgia showing off to the gite owner:

Breakfast time:

Playing with the local cat:

Here we are at the Pont du Gard:

And testing out the temperature of the river - judging by the reaction, it's a bit too early to be swimming:

A roadside feed at the village of Les Baux:

And chilling out by the pool:

1 comment:

Jack and Katrina said...

What a classic photo of your little gnome! Was Dave hiding just out of frame to catch her if she wiggled off the wall?