Before leaving France, we went for a week to Club Med in Agadir, Morocco. The attractions were sunshine, a swimming pool and a baby club where we could dump Madamoiselle - I mean, where she could interact and play with other babies. The place was great, the staff were very friendly, the alcohol was free ... all in all, hard to fault.
Georgia was a hit, partly due to inate cuteness but also because she is tiny yet walking. So no matter where we went, people were agog. She cottoned on to this pretty quickly, and at meal times insisted we take her for a tour de table, because she knew that people would coo-coo at her and want to pick her up. She was lapping up the attention.
Packing: Are these all for me?
Going for a walk (and airing off some nappy rash at the same time)
Time at the beach:
Walking around the pool:
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