Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wellington with the Stantons

We spent last weekend in Wellington, staying with Guy, Jack and Katrina. Georgia and Guy got on well, after an initial bit of shyness. Both loved playing with Guy's trains.

Jack and Dave went flying, whizzing past Mt Tapy at 10,000 feet. A very nice flight, where we got to see some spectacular scenery, including valleys in the Kaikouras that would seldom be seen, and experienced the full range of Air Traffic Control, from the most helpful to the most grumpy.

We also visited our old Paris friends, Mark and Bad Jo, and Paul and Anne-Marie.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter egg hunt

Here's the easter egg hunt out at the farm.

Mary somehow manages to look ten times larger than Georgia in this photo.

If you want a flashback, click here for the easter egg hunt in 2008 and here for 2007.

Georgia's latest development is wagging her finger at me like a schoolmarm while giving me instructions - "you stay there, papa" or "don't take my breakfast away, papa". Cute, but insolent.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Random stuff

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The world's (two) worst fishermen

Dave and Murray went sailing last weekend, and Dave caught this beautiful fish. Murray was very excited - he said this is the first Kingfish caught on his boat. It put up a terrific fight. But because it was below the legal minimum size of 75cm for a Kingi, we released it to live another day.

There is another theory. Some say this is not an undersize Kingi, it's a bloody great Kawhai, and we're damn fools for putting it back.

Murray's 2 year-old boy Mateusz clearly doesn't like fish. As soon as this Kingwhai got on board, he raced to the bow of the boat and sat there, refusing to come back.
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